Please note: Refills should be requested 7 days prior to the last dosage. Please contact your Pharmacy within 24-72 hours to confirm if medication has been refilled. You may contact the Health Center after contacting your pharmacy to confirm refills are not available. Please allow 3-5 business days to process

Metro Community Health Centers Prescription Fax Line
Bronx-979 Cross Bronx Expressway, BX 10460 718-665-7595
Crown Heights-842A Lefferts Ave. Bklyn 11203 718-735-8939
Downtown Brooklyn-177 Livingston St, Bklyn 11201 718-855-7717
Queens-51-40 59th Street, Woodside 11377 718-334-0399
Staten Island-2324 Forest Avenue, SI 10303 718-981-1431
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